Winter 2001

The dynamics of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current

Richard Karsten

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

10:00 a.m., Wednesday, January 24, 2001


Relaxing the Boussinesq Approximation in Ocean Circulation Models

Richard Greatbatch

Dalhousie University

4:30pm, Thursday, January 25, 2001


No seminar this week

Thursday, February 1, 2001

No seminar this week

Thursday, February 8, 2001

No seminar this week

Thursday, February 15, 2001

No seminar this week

Thursday, February 22, 2001

The tides, they are a changing

Bruce Smith
Mathematics and Statistics Department
Dalhousie University


Dave Greenberg
Bedford Institute of Oceanography

4:30pm, Thursday, March 1, 2001

Abstract: Physical theory suggests that the resonant period of the Bay of Fundy is slightly longer than 1/2 lunar day. A consequence is that changing conditions might bring the bay closer to resonance, generating higher tides and increased flood risk. Godin's analysis of the St. John record showed that the M2 amplitude is increasing. We carried out tidal analyses for a number of locations in the bay, and the results are supportive of Godin's conclusions. As well, we indicate the nature of the moon's nodal cycle, and how it is best accomodated in tidal analysis.

Circulation and mixing in the St. Lawrence Estuary

Daniel Bourgault

McGill University

4:30pm, Thursday, March 8, 2001


A Numerical Model of an Upwelling Event Off the Coast of Nova Scotia

Shawn Donahue

Royal Military College

4:30pm, Thursday, March 15, 2001

The North Atlantic Oscillation

Richard Greatbatch

Department of Oceanography
Dalhousie University

4:30pm, Thursday, March 22, 2001


Title: TBA



4:30pm, Thursday, March 29, 2001


Title: TBA



4:30pm, Thursday, April 5, 2001


Title: TBA



4:30pm, Thursday, April 12, 2001


The Lovelife of North Brazil Current Rings

Markus Jochum

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

4:30pm, Thursday, April 19, 2001

Abstract: We use a high resolution OGCM to investigate the life cycle of North Brazil Current (NBC) rings. The model results suggest the following picture: A barotropically unstable North Equatorial Countercurrent (NECC) generates long Rossby waves that impinge on the western boundary and deflect northwestward along the coast. This triggers the shedding of NBC rings. The fate of these NBC rings is determined by the strength and direction of the lower western boundary current (LWBC) of the tropical gyre. A southward LWBC will slow the NBC rings down and remove the NBC rings' surface signal, a northward LWBC will accelerate them. The deep structure that some of the NBC rings show can be explained by yet another mechanism: Intermediate eddies (IEs) without a surface signal are generated by the intermediate western boundary current (IWBC) upon crossing the equator. These IEs travel along the coast until they merge with the shallow retroflection circulation that eventually will shed a deep reaching NBC ring. Furthermore we estimated the contribution of the NBC rings to the warm water path of the meridional overturning circulation (MOC) to be only about 1 Sv.

No seminar this week

Thursday, April 26, 2001


Title: TBA



4:30pm, Thursday, May 3, 2001


Sources of Eddy Kinetic Energy in the Labrador Sea

Carsten Eden

Department of Oceanography
Dalhousie University

4:30pm, Thursday, May 10, 2001

Abstract: A suite of experiments with a circulation model for the North Atlantic Ocean is used to examine the sources of eddy kinetic energy (EKE) in the Labrador Sea. A model version with high horizontal resolution (1/12deg) and driven by a monthly-mean atmospheric forcing is shown to quantitatively reproduce the observed surface signature of EKE, including its seasonal cycle with maximum values occurring in January-February. Areas of high EKE closely correspond to the intense boundary currents, with a distinct maximum in a branch of the West Greenland Current turning offshore near 61-62N. An examination of energy transfer terms confirms previous model-based conjectures of the leading role of instability processes in eddy generation: in particular, the winter maximum of EKE in the Labrador Sea can be explained without invoking a direct generation by high-frequency wind fluctuations. Instead, we can relate this seasonal maximum in EKE to the strength of the mean flow of the West Greenland Current.

Importance of clouds, air temperature and polar vortex to the decaying trend in the Arctic ice cover

Moto Ikeda
(Graduate School of Environmental Earth Science, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan; The International Arctic Research Center/Frontier Research System for Global Change, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, Alaska, USA;
J. Wang and A. P. Makshtas

4:30pm, Thursday, May 17, 2001

Abstract: The areal extent of the sea ice cover in the Arctic Ocean has declined in the last 40 years with increased decadal variabilities. The trend is clearly influenced by the radiation balance over all seasons. A cloudiness increase in the fall, winter and spring contributes to a reduction in outgoing longwave radiation. In the summer, a reduction in cloud cover has led to an increase in shortwave radiation, permitting more outgoing longwave radiation, and hence yields a small increase in the total incoming radiation. All of these trends promote ice reduction. The increased winter cloud cover can be the result of moisture transport associated with synoptic cyclones. The effects of clouds and radiation are comparable with the albedo reduction associated with more open water, which absorbs more solar radiation in the summer. The other effective mechanisms are air temperature rise and intensification of the polar vortex in the recent decades. It is still an open question how these trends are interelated with each other. Comparisons between these observed changes and those simulated in climate models can provide insight as to whether the ice reduction is related to anthropogenic factors or natural climate variability.

Implicit Baroclinic Model for 4D Variational Data Assimilation

Dmitri Nechaev
University of Southern Mississippi

Gleb Panteleev
Memorial University of Newfoundland

4:30pm, Thursday, May 24, 2001

Abstract: The existing state-of-the-art ocean models (OGCMs) were developed as more or less universal forecast/nowcast tools. Therefore not all OGCMs appeared to be efficient for the solution modern data assimilation problems such as:
- the oceanic data analysis on monthly to interannuals scales;
- parameters optimization;
- sensitivity and error analysis studies.
The major deficiency of many OGCMs in that aspect is the time step limitation imposed by explicit resolution of physical processes including gravity waves. Short time stepping introduces redundant degrees of freedom in the space of model's free parameters and requires tremendous storage for running the tangent linear and adjoint codes.

We will present a fully IMPLICIT baroclinic primitive equation model representing the circulation on the time scales greater than the inertial time scales and on spatial scales exceeding the Rossby radius. We do beleave that this model is capable of the baroclinic variational data assimilation for a year-long data sets.

Since the model is intended for data assimilation studies, the forward model was developed simultaneously with the tangent linear and adjoint code. The non-linear forward model utilizes the tangent linear and adjoint code for an efficient solving of the implicit scheme equations on each time step (BiCG technique).

We will discuss the numerical scheme of the model and some preliminary results of data assimilation and simulation of the circulation in the Tsushima Strait and Western Bank regions. The model is controlled via the initial distributions of temperature and salinity, boundary conditions for temperature, salinity and sea surface height on the open boundaries, and sea-surface fluxes.

Title: TBA



4:30pm, Thursday, May 31, 2001


Title: TBA



4:30pm, Thursday, June 5, 2001


Accuracy of Two-Stream Approximations: Tests with a GCM Dataset

Petri Raisanen

Department of Meteorology
University of Helsinki

4:30pm, Thursday, June 14, 2001

Abstract: In order to treat the effects of multiple scattering by cloud particles, aerosols, and air molecules, two-stream approximations are employed in most shortwave (i.e., solar) radiation schemes presently used in atmospheric general circulation models (GCMs). Several two-stream approximations have been devised, and it is well-known that none of them is always accurate. However, since the accuracy depends strongly on the case considered, it has been difficult to estimate properly the significance of the errors from the point view of atmospheric GCMs. For example, how large would be the average or root-mean-square (rms) radiative flux errors?

In the present study, the accuracy of selected two-stream approximations is quantified using a global GCM-generated dataset (nearly 50 000 atmospheric columns with clouds, aerosols, and absorbing gases), by comparing their results to delta-16-stream reference multiple-scattering calculations. Out of the two-stream methods tested, the Practical improved flux method (PIFM) provided the best results, the delta-Eddington approximation being almost as good. For PIFM, the rms errors in top-of-the-atmosphere and surface net fluxes and in total column solar absorption were only 1.57, 2.18 and 2.11 Wm-2, respectively. However, all two-stream approximations tested had a negative bias of about 1-2 Wm-2 in atmospheric absorption.

In addition to the overall error statistics, the following points will be discussed: (1) how the errors depend on solar elevation?; (2) how large are the errors in the treatment of individual factors such as water clouds, ice clouds, and aerosols?; (3) is it possible to improve the accuracy of two-stream calculations? The ansver to point (3) is in fact positive, in particular, as what comes to the results at low solar elevations.

The North Atlantic Oscillation: Intraseasonal Variability and Flow-Dependence

Dr. Thomas Jung

European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF)
Diagnostics & Predictability Research Section
Shinfield Park, Reading, UK

4:30pm, Thursday, August 30, 2001
Room 5260 (Psychology wing)

Abstract: Intraseasonal variability of the NAO is discussed along with its flow-dependence making use of a century-scale integration of the coupled ECHAM4/OPYC3 model and observational data.

The simulated winter NAO variability compares well with the observations. Cross-spectral analysis reveals that the dipole characteristics emerge on time scales longer than 15 days, wheres they are absent on synoptic time scales. On intraseasonal time scales the NAO shows basically a red spectrum. There is little statistical evidence for the presence of significant low-frequency intraseasonal oscillations of the NAO.

The strength of the winter-averaged NAO has a marked effect on the statistical properties of intraseasonal NAO variability. During high NAO winters low-frequency intraseasonal variability of the NAO is less (more) pronounced compared to low NAO winters. It is shown that this asymmetry leaves its imprint on the near-surface temperature response to a forcing by the NAO, particularly over Europe. Finally, the results are discussed in terms of NAO-related changes in medium-range, extended-range, and seasonal atmospheric predictability.
